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a collection of letters that people have written to their younger selves

it's like...
back to the future meets postsecret

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be as specific or vague as you like. be funny, be serious, be creative. write a sentence, write twelve paragraphs... it's up to you.

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December 2009
March 2011

Monday, December 21, 2009
Dear Molly at 16,

Stop spending all of your time wondering if Johnny McMurtry will ever ask you out. The answer is a resounding NO. Forget about it. Ain’t gonna happen.

Pay better attention in Latin I and II.

On the Algebra thing. Don’t worry about it. You’ll learn means times extremes later on in life. And you’ll also learn how to figure interest (both simple and compound) and other stuff like that. Being able to figure out which train gets to Toledo faster will not help you in real life.

Hold on to your 45 rpm records. Just for the fun of it.

Go ahead and join the Navy after high school. You’re too immature for college.

Be nicer to Mom and Dad. And stop being jealous that big brother Dan got to leave home before you did. He’s 3 years older, for God’s sake. Get over it.

Join the Navy.

That’s it.

Good luck,
Molly at 66

Dear Molly at 29,

You’ve got your wonderful sons. Don’t worry when they are teenagers. It’ll all work out in the end and they will be just dandy adults. Trust me. I know.
That’s it.

Molly at 66


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