what's this?

a collection of letters that people have written to their younger selves

it's like...
back to the future meets postsecret

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be as specific or vague as you like. be funny, be serious, be creative. write a sentence, write twelve paragraphs... it's up to you.

feel free to include images (e.g. a scan of a hand-written letter or a photo you took to accompany your note), provided you have the right to distribute them.

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December 2009
March 2011

Saturday, December 19, 2009
Dear Kay,

I’ll think you’ll be most mystified to receive this letter because I know you never got much mail back in 1977, an occasional letter from your mom or something to do with a grant or loan payment. Most of your mail was addressed to occupant and was on that dusty trash mail paper that to this day I can’t abide. December 1977 will find you singing the blues, worried that life was passing you by. Most of your friends are graduating, getting married, landing great jobs and moving away at the speed of light while there you sit, stuck on Walnut Street in an apartment that doesn’t belong to you with other people’s stuff in it.

Don’t despair! Time will pass. Don’t wish this time of your life away and don’t be afraid of all you have ahead of you. Try to manage the little steps and the big steps will come by themselves. Keep your mind and your options open to the endless possibilities that can come your way. It’s a wonderful time in the universe to be young. Don’t be afraid.



re: your second paragraph

I needed to be reminded of this as well.

posted by Anonymous Anonymous on December 19, 2009 at 8:10 PM  

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